Do Elite Golfers Get Nervous?
Elite golfers are heralded as having nerves of steel or being unfazed by big moments.
Rarely are the words “nervous” and “elite” used in the same sentence to describe those championship-level golfers.
However, contrary to the belief of many, even elite golfers experience nervousness and, in some instances, anxiety. Golf is inherently uncertain, and over-focus on uncertainty leads to nervousness.
Golfers who get overwhelmed by anxiety are bombarded by ‘what if’ thoughts. What if I miss this shot? What if I mess this up for my team? What if I fall apart on the back nine? ‘
‘What if’ thoughts are focused on the potential outcomes of a shot or performance. When you fear messing up or playing poorly, you set a string of events in motion that contribute to negative outcomes.
For example, your muscles tighten, your adrenaline spikes, your breathing becomes rapid, and your heart starts pounding.
Mentally, you lose your focus. When you focus on ‘what ifs’ and other uncontrollable factors, your anxiety level will build, you will feel overwhelmed, and your game will unravel.
Managing nerves and refocusing on relevant performance cues lead to improved play. The ability to manage nerves is the distinguishing factor that separates elite golfers from their competition.
At the 2024 Grant Thornton Invitational, Lydia Ko paired with Jason Day to finish sixth place. Before the start of the tournament, Ko recalled the nerves she experienced at the 2023 Grand Thornton Invitational when she first partnered with Day.
Even though Ko had won 22 LPGA Tour tournaments and three major titles, the ‘what ifs’ or fear of the unknown caused her to feel nervous and affected her mental and physical game early in the 2023 tournament.
KO: “As much as [competing in tournaments] is familiar, it was different. I haven’t had that much experience playing with male tour pros and especially somebody that I’ve looked up to and seen on TV for a really long time.”
A focus on potential outcomes triggered Ko’s nervousness. When Ko redirected her focus, the nerves started to wear off, and her game drastically improved.
KO: “It was a very new experience, but by mid-Friday I think I was able to get rid of the nerves and focus on what I was doing. But our whole team with our caddies, we just had a great dynamic and just a good time out there and I think that just helped with just not thinking about the results.”
When you divert your attention away from outcomes and concentrate on what you can control (your swing, strategy, the shot in front of you), you will elevate your play.
Ultimately, nerves are a natural part of competition, even for the best players, and handling them effectively is a mental skill that elite golfers continually refine.
When you get nervous, use that feeling to remind yourself that you are focused on the wrong things–mostly the outcome or what others think of your game.
Then redirect your focus on having fun, enjoying the game’s challenges, performing your preshot routine, or executing your shot strategy.
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