Golf Psychology Articles

How Self-Talk Can Improve Golf Performance

How Self-Talk Can Improve Golf Performance

Does one bad shot indicate your play will decline in the round? Sometimes, a golfer’s thinking interferes with positive momentum, and their play slowly declines. Have you ever had the following experience? You are playing a round, and everything seems to be clicking. You are driving the ball well. Your short game is on point, and you are confident on … Golf Psychology Article>>

Mindset and Improving Consistency in Your Golf Game

Mindset and Improving Consistency in Your Golf Game

What is meant by “having trust” in your golf game? How do you build trust so you can perform consistent, peak golf? When you lack trust in your game, you second-guess every decision. Your mechanics will feel off, and you won’t feel comfortable standing over the ball.  Shots you make in practice feel infinitely more difficult when competing in tournaments. … Golf Psychology Article>>

Are Your Expectations too High in Golf

Are Your Expectations too High in Golf

What do others expect from you when you play golf? Are the expectations to win high?  With early success in a golfer’s career comes high expectations from those around you. The expectation is to continue to win, reach the top of the rankings, and never have an off day. Imagine the pressure of playing a round of golf with the … Golf Psychology Article>>

Master the Mental Game of Next-Level Play

Master the Mental Game of Next-Level Play

Master the Mental Game of Next Level Play What is the most effective strategy for improving your golf score? Most golfers have a similar process: practice… play… repeat. Many of these golfers see slow or little progress. Why are these golfers stuck in a rut? What is the missing ingredient of significant improvement? The often-overlooked aspect causing golfers to plateau … Golf Psychology Article>>