Golf Psychology

Mental Skills and Preshot Routines in Golf 

Golf Mind Podcast

Welcome to the Golf Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and his team of mental performance coaches work with junior to professional golfers to help them reach their goals and play more consistent golf. In the podcast, Dr. Cohn will do a deep dive into preshot routines. In this podcast, you learn: What mental … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Play with Pressure in Golf 

How to Play with Pressure in Golf

What is Competitive Pressure? Competitive pressure refers to the level of stress an athlete experiences before or during a competition. In golf, players with difficulty managing pressure tend to choke in stressful conditions. In contrast, golfers who can master pressure are more consistent and shoot lower scores during competitive rounds. What is the primary source of pressure? You might be … Golf Psychology Article>>

Go-For-Broke Mentality in Golfers 

Go-For-Broke Mentality in Golfers

What Goes Through Your Mind When You Start a Round? For example, you double-bogey the first two holes, then bogey the third. You quickly find yourself 4-strokes from the leader before the fifth hole. You will most likely feel frustrated, especially if you missed an easy putt or misjudged a shot. Let’s further the scenario. The golfers atop the leaderboard … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Top Golfers Manage Pre-Round Worry

How Top Golfers Manage Pre-Round Worry

What is the Primary Source of Anxiety for Golfers? Anxiety is at its peak when golfers focus too much on outcomes and what those outcomes mean… Certain factors are beyond your control in golf, such as other golfers’ scores, the start time of your round, the leader board, your group, gaining entry into a tournament, weather, delays, and course conditions. … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Develop Consistency in Your Golf Game

Play Consistent Golf

What Words Would You Use to Describe Golf? How you see the game of golf shapes how well you perform through the ups and the downs. Golf is a challenging, unpredictable, exciting, frustrating sport filled with successes and disappointments. Every day, round, and course is different. You can play your best golf on a particular course on a Saturday, then … Golf Psychology Article>>