Focus in Golf

How does the putting yips affect your overall Mindset?

How does the putting yips affect your overall Mindset?

Your Mindset is Impacting your Putting The yips is an involuntary muscle jerk or twitch that occurs midway through your swing or stroke. Not only do the putting yips affect your score, but they can also mess with your emotions and dominate your mind. The impact of the putting yips doesn’t just appear when you step onto the greens. When … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Golfers Can Play More Consistently

How Golfers Can Play More Consistently

What Does A Successful Round of Golf Look Like to You? Some golfers narrowly define success as winning. The problem with this limited view of success is that when these golfers don’t win a tournament or shoot their lowest score, they feel like failures. “Needing to win” to feel successful is a trap that golfers unconsciously fall into. When you … Golf Psychology Article>>

Managing Anxiety for Winning Golf

Managing Anxiety for Winning Golf

What Happens To You When You Become Anxious? Anxiety affects golfers on three levels: physiologically, mentally, and emotionally. If left unchecked, the cumulative impact of these three elements can cause your performance to fall off the cliff. Anxious golfers report several symptoms, such as pounding heart, tight muscles, inability to concentrate, racing thoughts, and intense emotions. Overall, anxious golfers have … Golf Psychology Article>>

Take Control of Your Golf Confidence

Take Control of Your Golf Confidence

What gives you the most amount of confidence as a golfer? Self-confidence is the most critical mental skill for any athlete. However, many golfers believe confidence is something either you have, or you don’t. They watch elite golfers play “lights out” and assume these golfers are just naturally confident. When you see confidence as a personality trait or in-born characteristic … Golf Psychology Article>>

The Mindset of Charging From Behind

The Mindset of Charging From Behind

How Do You Define Athletic Success? Often, athletes allow other people (with good intentions) to define success for them. For example, your parents may see success as earning a college scholarship, becoming a starter, or competing for a highly competitive team.  Likewise, your coach may see success as you achieving a national cut, having a top ranking, winning tournaments, or … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Beat the Yips and Putting Anxiety

How to Beat the Yips and Putting Anxiety

Golf Psychology and The Putting Yips Are the yips caused by physical or mental factors? What causes a golfer to get trapped in the yips rut? Ask golfers about how the yips “magically” appear, and you will get a broad range of answers: nagging injuries, inconsistent practice, too much focus on mechanics, not enough focus on mechanics, lack of concentration, … Golf Psychology Article>>