Golf Psychology Articles

How to Improve Your Consistency

Golf Mental Toughness

Using Mental Preparation to Improve Consistency Are you struggling with your golf game? Does it feel like you will never have a good round ever again? Struggling with your short game or struggling with your tee shots can wear on you mentally… It feels like once you improve one part of your game, another area of your game let’s you … Golf Psychology Article>>

Avoiding Preround Mental Errors

Focus on What You Can Control

Improve Mental Preparation for Golfers How do you prepare mentally for a round of golf? Most golfers don’t consider how they mentally prepare for a round. What if your preparation is disrupted due to injury? What if you cannot train or practice for a lengthy period of time? Is it possible to maintain some degree of confidence when preparation is … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Overcome Feelings of Intimidation in Golf

Mindset for Golf Performance Evaluation

 How Does Self-Intimidation Affect Your Golf Game? How well do you golf when you are playing in a tournament with golfers who have won significantly more tournaments and shoot consistently lower scores than you? Playing with golfers who have significantly more wins may be intimidating for you. This form of intimidation is self-generated. That is to say that another golfer … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Make 3-Footers in Competition

Golf Mind Podcast

How to Free Up Your Putter Dr. Patrick Cohn, golf psychology expert and author of the “Golfer’s Mental Edge” CD program, teaches amateur to tour professional golfers how to improve their mental game of golf using golf psychology strategies developed over the last 20 years of his career. Do you get anxious over those 3 footers or 4 footers when … Golf Psychology Article>>