Golf Psychology Articles

What Drives You in Golf?

What Drives You in Golf?

What Motivates You as a golfer? Trophies? Ranking? Finding the best sources of motivation fuels peak performance, pursuit of potential, and longevity in the sport. Two general forms of motivation exist in the realm of sports: 1. Intrinsic – Internal sources of motivation such as; exploring your potential, challenging yourself, honing your skill set, enjoying the experience, and pursuing personal … Golf Psychology Article>>

Key to Preparing for Your Next Round of Golf

Key to Preparing for Your Next Round of Golf

Do You Usually Feel Prepared and Confident? There is a direct relationship between preparation and confidence. As preparation increases, so does confidence…And every athlete and coach understands how a confidence boost affects performance. From our Golf Mental Game Survey, we received the following question from a coach: “How can I better prepare my golfers to play confidently in major tournaments?” … Golf Psychology Article>>

Hovald’s Mindset for Winning Golf

Hovald’s Mindset for Winning Golf

What Impact Does Mindset Have on Golf Performance? The short answer is everything. Mindset affects how intently you practice. Mindset affects the content of your thoughts and confidence level. Mindset affects how you respond to adversity and bad shots or missed putts. Ultimately mindset affects all the ingredients that go into how well you perform in golf. Your mindset is … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Manage Negative Thoughts 

How to Manage Negative Thoughts

All the Different Emotions You Experience During Golf Golfers experience a wide range of emotions: angry and joyful, frustrated and calm, anxious and excited, disappointed and proud, fearful and confident, disgusted and motivated, etc. If you allow your emotions to take over your game, your performance will be dictated by how you feel. From our Golf Mental Game Survey, we … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Jason Day Overcame a Winning Drought

How Jason Day Overcame a Winning Drought

Have You Ever Experienced a Long Performance Drought? A long-term decline that caused you to question whether you wanted to continue competing in golf. From our Golf Mental Game Survey, a golfer reached out to us who was in the midst of an extended performance drought.” “I played really well but have slipped back over the past few years. I … Golf Psychology Article>>