Golf Psychology Articles

How to Make Adjustments when Golfing

Finishing the Round

Minor Adjustments to Make Major Improvements When your putting is just a little off, do you tend to overthink, or do you make a quick minor adjustment and then refocus? A slight adjustment can go a long way. However, too many adjustments–leading to over thinking–can go the wrong way. A minor adjustment requires a quick assessment and a decisive course … Golf Psychology Article>>

Golfers Who Worry About and Live Up to Expectations

Avoid Comparisons for Golf Confidence

Manage Your Mindset and Expectations How often do you play a competitive round fearing you may let down your coach, team, or parents? You can be easily distracted by the expectations of others, especially those of your parents, whether those expectations are expressed verbally. Both verbal and implied expectations can make you feel increased pressure and hurt your play. Another … Golf Psychology Article>>

Does Your Self-Talk Help or Hurt Your Golf Game?

Sports Psychology Golf

Learn How to Use Self-Talk To Your Advantage Do you set high standards for your golf game? Do you believe that setting the bar extremely high leads to playing your best? What inner voice is the most influential on your performance while playing in a tournament? Is that voice positive and encouraging or negative and demeaning? All golfers need that … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Cope with Slow Play

Coping with Slow Play in Golf

Slow Play’s Negative Impact on Your Mental Game Some golf rounds can take too long when playing in a foursome. A timeout or a half-time break is welcomed in other sports. Athletes in these sports utilize timeouts to catch their breath, compose themselves, and mentally prepare for the competition to resume. However, long breaks between swings in golf welcome overthinking, … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Korda Applies a Positive Perspective to Golf

Golf Psychologist Near Me

Change Perspective in Golf to Improve Play Do you enjoy golf? Do you become excited to face the challenges during a competitive round of golf? Or do you dread playing competitive rounds and feel anxious under pressure? Let’s examine the relationship between perspective, nerves, and performance. Perspective affects your thoughts. If you view pressure as unfavorable, your emotional response will … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Take Your Golf Game to the Next Level

long-term success golf

Taking Your Performance to the Next Level How do you go from good to great as a golfer? Many golfers “want” to be better, but their “want” doesn’t lead to action. You could have the best coach in the world, surrounded by talented golfers, work out with the latest equipment, and dream big dreams, but mere desire never yields positive … Golf Psychology Article>>